Mr. Hoops

Meet Mr. Hoops

A quick explanation to give some background to our resident Hoopoe.

Mr. Hoops, as his name suggests, is a Hoopoe. He lived in my house in Tuscany before I did with his wife Mrs. Hoops. They have had a family here and, well, he is extremely territorial and as such is not pleased that his enormous three-bedroom nest is now inhabited by a random English woman with three dogs and – what is worse – an overly inquisitive Siamese cat called Pye.

Well, every morning at about five AM Mr. H will go around all the bedroom windows tapping on the glass, waking up the inhabitants of said rooms, human, canine, or feline!

The human element always greets him with a ‘Hi Hoops’ –  and that is what I have for my new creative business ‘Ashburn Creative Adventures’… HIGH HOPES.

Mr Hoops

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